One of Life's Important Questions - Where did Shredder get the Technodrome?

- last updated 28th November 2001

Not too long ago, I wrote an article about the Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles. And I believe that in that article I put forward the notion that the Technodrome, the rather large metal thing that Shredder and Krang and co. inhabit, seems rather out of place compared to the rest of Dimension X, given that Dimension X seems to consist primarily of molten lava and red rocks and God knows what else, but certainly not immense armour-plated factories of evil. Sadly, I couldn't find a picture of the Technodrome that features it in its native Dimension X, though the picture I here offer instead shows the Technodrome in one of its crowning glories, when it actually emerges above the surface of New York to start the terrifying invasion!

The Technodrome, as I recall, had many immensely good abilities. The eye at the top was directly linked to a viewscreen that the baddies watched from deep within itself. It also had a large amount of guns which could be fired at will to decimate the Turtles (though, of course, this never worked, so describing this as "an immensely good ability" is perhaps not quite fair). I can't think of any more of its abilities, given that I haven't watched the cartoon for quite a long time now, but we're not really here to debate the abilities of the Technodrome. The question that is actually concerning me is, where did it come from?

Okay, so it's a vast metal machine with planet-invading capabilities. It would have succeeded many times over, if it hadn't been for the Turtles. Things like that don't come by every day. I can't remember ever having seen one (apart, of course, in every episode of the Turtles and a fair proportion of He-Man episodes). So are we to believe that Shredder and Krang just happened by it? Unlikely, I think, as it seems to reside in Dimension X. Or, at least, it started there, then crossed over to volcanic caverns underneath New York (which seems just as unlikely, really). It would have been totally out of place in Dimension X, unless somebody else put it there, which also isn't particularly likely. So we can reject Theory Number 1, that Shredder and Krang just happened to find it lying around.

Theory Number 2 is that they bought it from somebody on Earth. This would at first seem quite a sensible idea, until you consider that a) such things don't exist; and b) Krang and Shredder look, respectively, like this:

I hope those pictures came out properly, because on these computers I can't actually tell whether the pictures are appearing. I just have to hope they do.

So it's unlikely Krang or Shredder would have bought the Technodrome, because no one in their right minds would sell such a devastating weapon to such obvious nutcases. And lest you think that perhaps Shredder and Krang sent their servants, Bebop and Rocksteady, out to buy the Technodrome for them, you are forgetting a) that Bebop and Rocksteady are idiots; and b) that Bebop and Rocksteady look, respectively, like this:

And if it's unlikely no one would sell a Technodrome to people who look like Shredder and Krang, I think it to be doubly unlikely that they would sell it to 'people' who look like Bebop and Rocksteady. So there is no possibility at all that they bought the thing, I feel.

Theory Number 3 is that they actually built it themselves. This, again, sounds quite a reasonable idea until we stop to consider certain problems. Firstly, as I keep on pointing out, Dimension X, where the thing comes from, is made up of molten lava - there is no building material there! Secondly, the only people who seem to live in the Technodrome are the afore-mentioned Krang, Shredder, Bebop and Rocksteady. Krang would, given his singularly unpleasant personality, no doubt not lift a finger (if he had any) to help. That would leave Shredder, Bebop and Rocksteady to do all the work themselves. How long do you think it would take three people (especially these three people) to build something as big and obviously complex as that? I'd guess quite a long time.

So they didn't find it, didn't buy it and didn't build it. The only other possible way of obtaining the Technodrome that I can think of is that they were given it. But this is quite clearly thoroughly ridiculous. Who would give four imbeciles an armour-plated killing machine? Someone who wanted to spread terror on Earth. And here, I think we have our answer. Krang, Shredder, Bebop and Rocksteady were given the Technodrome by Osama bin Laden.

And before we go too far down this route and get this website closed down, I think we should stop right there.

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